Poll results for 9/18/24

Fall colors are expected to peak in most of Garfield County in few weeks. Where is your favorite spot to see the colors?

  • 24% The Crystal River Valley (91 votes).
  • 13.2% Sunlight/Four Mile Park (50 votes).
  • 8.4% New Castle/Buford Road (32 votes).
  • 1.8% The top of the Roan Plateau/JQS Trail (7 votes).
  • 1.1% Mamm Peak (4 votes).
  • 51.5% I’m not telling (195 votes).

Total votes: 379

This week’s question: If approved by voters in November, Colorado Proposition 127 would prohibit the hunting of cougars, bobcats and lynx in the state. How do you plan to vote?

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