Coal Ridge soccer holds off Rifle in 2023 state semi-final rematch

Jaymin Kanzer
For The Post Independent
Coal Ridge goalkeeper Colbran Ingelhart rises up against Rifle's Yahir Marquez during Thursday's 2023 state semi-final rematch in Rifle.
Jaymin Kanzer/Post Independent

The Coal Ridge Titans varsity soccer team defeated the Rifle Bears 1-0 in the first meeting of the two teams since the Titans sent the Bears packing in the semi-finals of the Colorado 3A State Championship last year. 

Half the crowd was still stuck in after-school traffic when the Western Slope league matchup kicked off, but it took Coal Ridge junior Giovanni Parker and the Titans just three minutes to take the lead on the road. 

Coal Ridge used the opening kick to their advantage, taking possession and working their way into the box mere minutes into the game. Senior defender Isaac Thompson found Parker open in front of the net, who beat the keeper for the first and only goal in the third minute. 

Rifle and its high-powered offense, which has propelled them to an impressive 5-1 record through the first six games, was still apparent in the loss.

“We can get right in practice,” Rifle head coach Jonathan Espinoza said. “Most of our shots were good, but they have an excellent goalkeeper. He would gobble up any far shots, and we had to work it deep, but even when we worked it in, he was making great saves. Sometimes, you just have to tip your cap to a great performance. 

“I don’t think it was bad finishing, I think it was great goalie work,” Espinoza continued.

The Bears’ offense took hold of the game midway through the first half. For nearly 10 minutes, Coal Ridge couldn’t clear the ball, and a constant onslaught was raining down on the Titans’ backline and junior goalkeeper Colbran Ingelhart. Ingelhart, who battled continuous contact and pain, was exceptional, and alongside his best friend—the post—Rifle stayed off the board. 

“The thing that helps me battle the most is the team camaraderie,” Ingelhart said after the win. “Having such great backs like Blake Reeder in front of me helps me persevere.”

“He’s one of those kids who would do anything for the team,” Mikalakis said about Ingelhart. “He commands the field, and his leadership in the back is bar none.”

The remaining 77 minutes were fisticuffs, and the ref didn’t do much to stop them. The rivalry and the increasing desperation from the home team began to rile up the crowd. Crime ticked up on the field as time ticked down in the second half, though surprisingly, only one booking was seen throughout the game. The game’s physicality didn’t evolve into more than extra stoppage time, which worked perfectly into the hands of the Titans. 

“It’s a rivalry game,” Titans head coach Michael Mikalakis said after the victory. “We saw each other in the final four just last year. Both communities have great soccer programs that are intermingled. They know each other, so these two communities have a competitive nature. It’s fun. I love it.”

Coal Ridge hopes to build off the momentum of a road rivalry game victory. They will take the weekend off before hitting the road again to face league opponent Vail Mountain on Tuesday.

Rifle hopes to get back on track following Thursday’s home loss and also look toward their next matchup Tuesday against the Moffat County Bulldogs.

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