Daring young man on the flying trapeze

Carla Jean Whitley
Jordan Tribble is an alumnus of Glenwood Springs High School. After years as a professional trapeze artist, he intends to bring his artform to his hometown.
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Jordan Tribble’s father used to encourage him to try ballet. Tribble wasn’t so sure about the tights. Instead, he spent his high school years on football, cross country and martial arts.

Now, the 2011 Glenwood Springs High School alumnus is preparing to return to town, tights in tow. Tribble is a professional flying trapeze artist in the process of launching a business to bring his passion home.

“I really want to bring my version of art to the valley,” said Tribble, who most recently worked with Cirque du Soleil’s Disney Springs show La Nouba. The Orlando, Florida, show closed Dec. 31.

Tribble is in California to pick up his flying trapeze rig and train for several months. The Roaring Fork Valley doesn’t currently offer a place for flying trapeze. That will be the first step in setting up his business: identify land on which to build or an existing facility suitable for teaching and performing circus arts.

Tribble estimates he’ll need a building with a 40-foot ceiling, plus room for viewing areas. Once a facility is in place, he hopes to introduce workshops and performances. His team, dubbed Pneumatic, includes catcher Nick Glom and flyer Emma Close. The trio are all trained instructors who are eager to share their work.

“In my opinion, everyone should try flying trapeze at least once,” Tribble said. “It really does confront fears you have and helps you overcome a lot of things you don’t know you can do until you’re up there.”

Ultimately, the team hopes to find partners to grow into a facility with all sorts of circus arts and performance. Tribble said his hometown is well situated for this, as it would be easy to attract the best performers in the world to train and perform in this beautiful destination.

Tribble himself hopes to continue traveling to perform but create a home base in the valley, where he can collaborate with the area’s other art forms as well.

Although he’s at the beginning of the process, Tribble is moving forward with a goal in mind: “We want to revolutionize trapeze,” he said. “We want to take it to a different level and make it more theater oriented. We want to make it more story-driven and emotional.”

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