Free paint drop-off at Garfield County landfill later this month

Post Independent Garfield County news graphic

PaintCare is putting on a one-day paint drop-off event for unused paint and limited amounts of paint, stain, and/or varnish for recycling, available to businesses and households. 

From 2-6 p.m. Sept. 20 at the Garfield County Landfill, PaintCare will accept unwanted house paint, latex or oil-based primers, stains, deck and concrete sealers and clear finishes, either varnish or shellac. Paint must be sealed in the original containers with the original manufacturer label.

PaintCare cannot accept leaking, unlabeled or empty containers, aerosol coatings, drums or containers larger than 5 gallons, hazardous waste or other chemicals, like paint thinner, solvents, motor oil, spackle, glue, adhesive, roofing tar, pesticides or cleaning chemicals. 

Leftover paint in good condition that has been dropped off at this event will be made available to the public for free. Color options and volumes are not guaranteed and paint will be provided as is. 

For businesses to use this event, they must qualify as an exempt generator under federal and any similar state hazardous waste generator rules. Visit for more information. It is required to register to attend this event, so register at

If you go…

What: Paint Drop-Off by PaintCare

When: 2-6 p.m. Sept. 20

Where: Garfield County Landfill at 0075 County Road 246, Rifle, CO 81650

Registration required


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