Garfield County Planning Commission continues Nutrient Farm rezoning hearing to May

Julianna O’Clair/Post Independent
The Garfield County Planning Commission on Wednesday voted again to continue the public hearing regarding rezoning requests made by Nutrient Farm.
Nutrient Farm, a subsidiary of Nutrient Holdings LLC, is seeking rezoning to create a planned unit development. The proposed development, situated just outside of New Castle and adjacent to the Riverbend neighborhood, could encompass extensive commercial and recreational facilities, including a water park, music venue and health and wellness retreat. The project narrative also includes working farms, agricultural processing facilities, energy facilities, and residential lots.
The proposed development has faced significant community backlash due to concerns including water usage, decreased property values, noise and light pollution and potential issues with nearby infrastructure.
Following an initial public hearing on Jan. 29, where 47 individuals registered to comment, the Garfield County Planning Commission voted to continue the hearing. The decision gave
Nutrient Farm the opportunity to revise its project proposal and incorporate over 50 recommended conditions for approval, as suggested by county staff.
On Feb. 25, Nutrient Farm submitted these recommended edits, including a revised land use table, to the planning commission staff. The staff is currently reviewing the submission and will collaborate with Nutrient Farm and any necessary referral agencies to address the conditions.
The public comment session during Wednesday’s meeting lasted approximately two hours, as community members once again expressed their concerns about the development.
“I think Andy’s intentions of this organic farm — everybody likes that, everybody supports that,” planning commission member Brett Jolley said before asking if Nutrient Farm would consider withdrawing its proposal, a query that was quickly rejected. “But again, reading the room, I’ve been on this planning commission for 18 years, we’ve never had 50-some conditions of approval. I think you’ve got quite a challenge ahead of you.”
Despite Jolley’s remarks, the commission approved Nutrient Farm’s request for another continuation of the rezoning hearing, which was sent to the county on March 4. This extension allows the planning commission staff to thoroughly review Nutrient Farm’s responses to the recommended conditions of approval and address any additional concerns before making a decision.
“We understand that additional time is needed for staff, and even more so for the various referral agencies, to thoroughly review the letter and the responses and proposed conditions as articulated, provide replies, and even afford the parties an opportunity to work through any concerns prior to the next hearing,” the March 4 request for continuation from Nutrient Farm, signed by Danny Teodoru from Timberline Law, stated. “Frankly, there does not seem to be any viable scenario for us all to be able to properly work through these hoops before the March 12, 2025 Planning Commission hearing,”
A third public hearing regarding the rezoning request is scheduled for May 28, according to the planning commission.
Nutrient Farm’s proposed edits to the conditions of approval can be found in the March 12 meeting agenda at

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