Glenwood Springs Airport to host fly-in pancake breakfast and family event

KGWS Sumers Airpark now manages part of the 64-acre Glenwood Springs Municipal Airport.
Taylor Cramer/Post Independent

The Glenwood Springs Municipal Airport is offering a jam-packed day of fun for families, aviation lovers, and curious community members alike on Saturday. The event is set to feature a variety of events, from free plane rides for kids to pancakes and live music. The event is free and open to the public.

Registration for the Young Eagles flights begins at 7:30 a.m., where kids aged 8-17 can take to the skies for free.

“There’s got to be three different planes flying,” Airport Director Eric Strautman said. “We want kids to get a taste of flying and experience a quick circle around the valley.”

The pancakes start flipping at 8 a.m. While the breakfast is free, donations are welcomed to support future events. By 9 a.m., the live music will kick off, which will also include bouncy castles and the aircraft static display.

At 10:30 a.m., the event will feature guest speakers, from the community, a ribbon-cutting ceremony, and giveaways. Visitors can sign up for membership in KGWS Summers Airpark, which will enter them into drawings for prizes like scenic flights and ski passes.

“We’re going to introduce actual family members of George Summers, one of the founders who donated the land for the airport,” Strautman said. “It’ll be a fun ribbon-cutting ceremony, and we’re inviting everyone in Glenwood to join and be part of the future of the airport.”

Earlier this year, the management of the airport was turned over to KGWS Sumers Airpark, a group of aviation enthusiasts and community members. With a 40-year lease now in place, the airport has a stable future ahead.

“CDOT’s aeronautics division is a huge supporter of this airport,” Strautman said. “They’re offering funds to help with runway maintenance and planning for new development.”

The event is free and family-friendly, though no dogs are allowed. Parking will be limited to one lane on Airport Center Road, so attendees are encouraged to carpool or bike.

For children looking to fly Saturday, legal guardians must be present to sign a waiver, and seats are limited, so early arrival or pre-registration via email at is recommended.

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