History in focus: Foul language hangout

This photo is of Glenwood's first jail which was located between 8th & 9th streets on Blake Avenue. It was a 12' X 12' concrete block with 3 cells and a "reception room". In 1904, due mostly to complaints from the local community about the "foul language" often coming from the jail, it was moved to another site. The original building was eventually relocated to what is now known as Veltus Park (earlier known as Kiwanis Park). In 2012, the jail building was dismantled to make way for new park restrooms.
Courtesy/Frontier Historical Museum
This photo is of Glenwood’s first jail which was located between 8th & 9th streets on Blake Avenue. It was a 12′ X 12′ concrete block with 3 cells and a “reception room”. In 1904, due mostly to complaints from the local community about the “foul language” often coming from the jail, it was moved to another site. The original building was eventually relocated to what is now known as Veltus Park (earlier known as Kiwanis Park). In 2012, the jail building was dismantled to make way for new park restrooms.
Courtesy/Frontier Historical Museum

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