History in Focus: From medical clinic to apartments

Built in 1908 by Dr. D.F. Berry, the Glenwood Sanitarium (Sanitorium) was located at 512 10th Street (corner of 10th & Bennett). It became a highly reputable medical clinic furnished with the latest equipment and was utilized as a training center for nurses. Large wards were included in the building plans: one for railroad patients, another for men from Shoshone Electric Plant, and a third for coal miners. Medical conventions were held at the Sanitarium hosting world famous doctors who provided surgeries for locals utilizing the newest methods in the medical field. Such physicians as Drs. Charles and William Mayo were some of those in attendance. The Sanitarium was the first to introduce modern surgery and hospitalization in Glenwood Springs. After closing in the 1930’s, it became “The Elms” Apartments and still functions as apartments today.
Courtesy/Frontier Historical Museum

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