Sponsored content: Sunlight’s Trail of the Month — South Canyon Trail System

Sponsored by Sunlight Ski and Bike
The South Canyon Trail System is one of the best built flow trails outside of a bike park in the state.
Courtesy/Sunlight Ski and Bike

South Canyon Trail System

Location: 5 miles West of Glenwood Springs. Exit 111 from I-70. Head left down the frontage road and across the bridge.

Parking: There are 2 main parking areas for this trail:

  • The first one you arrive at is the lower trailhead and is located 200 yards past the bridge on your right hand side. The overflow parking is located across the street back towards the bridge.
  • The second parking option is about a mile from the bridge near the entrance of the landfill. You will see pull outs on both sides of the road. Please park carefully so as to not be in the way of landfill traffic.
The South Canyon Trail System is just 5 miles west of Glenwood Springs off of Interstate 70.
Courtesy/Sunlight Ski and Bike

Trail Overview

If you love flow trail then you will be left with an ear to ear grin after this one. This is one of the best built flow trails outside of a bike park in the state. There are multiple climbing and descending options of all different mileage and elevation profiles, but this review is focused on the entire loop from the lower trailhead. Check out the link to the YouTube video for more information on those options.

The first half of the climb is mellow and has a cross country feel to it. This section is made up of the Tramway Trail and Coal Camp (up).  There are a few punchy sections but overall it’s a very pleasant climb and is surrounded by wildflowers from May-August. The second half of the climb on Coal Camp Upper Loop is a grunt but well worth it. The grind takes place in the dark pine forest that protects you from the sun and spits you out on top of the mountain with 360 degree views. 

The descent, ah the descent. Get ready for 5 miles of flow track paradise. The descent, Coal Camp Upper Loop, starts out as a directional DH and is fast and furious. This section of trail tends to be slightly looser than the rest of the trail system and slightly more technical, which more advanced riders will really enjoy. The trail then connects to the multidirectional section of Coal Camp Upper Loop. This is an amazing section of trail through the dark forest with tight packed dirt and lots of speed, but please use caution and yield to uphill riders. As tempting as it may be to let it go, there are many blind corners so control is mandatory. You then get dumped into the fan favorite directional DH trail Coal Camp (down) where you will be treated to berms on berms on berms. Now onto the directional DH trail Lightning bug which will take you all the way down to the landfill road. This section of trail is filled with whoops, jumps and berms to leave any level of rider coming back for more(you can even shuttle this section, just saying). The final section back down to the lower trailhead is via the multidirectional Tramway Trail. This section is an old school fall line trail with flat corners and is definitely worth riding.

For an add on bonus trail check out the Alpine Slide climb and Alpine Slide jump trail on your left just after starting the last section of dowhill. 

This trail system has a combination of directional and multidirectional trails so please keep your head up and read the signage as you ride. Note: There is a new re-route of the tramway uphill and the lightning bug descent. This reroute does diminish the quality of the trail slightly but it was a necessary evil to keep riders safe during a mine reclamation project going on above the trail.


  • Elevation gain: 2200ft (From lower trailhead)(2450ft if you ad the Alpine Slide jump trail)
  • Distance: 5.6 Miles
  • Surface(s): Firm packed dirt
  • Elevation gain per mile: 393ft
  • Technicality: There is very little technicality to this climb. Expect a few rocks to roll over, a few tight switchbacks and some grindy climbing on the Coal Camp Upper Loop 
  • Color rating: Blue


  • Elevation drop: 2200ft
  • Distance: 5.06
  • Decent description
    • Section 1: Coal Camp Upper Loop
      • Surface: Loose to packed loamy dirt
      • Technicality: You will find this to be the most technical section of the ride but is still a firm blue descent. There are a few rocky maneuvers and some loose corners that come up on you quick 
      • Direction: DH only
    • Section 2 Coal Camp Upper Loop
      • Surface: Hard packed dirt
      • Technicality:  Blue flow trail but be aware of blind corners
      • Direction: Multidirectional
    • Section 3: Coal Camp
      • Surface: Hard packed dirt
      • Technicality: Blue flow trail with lots of linked berms
      • Direction: DH only
    • Section 4: Lightning Bug
      • Surface: Packed dirt but generally looser than the previous 2 sections
      • Technicality: Blue flow trail with jumps and berms. No jumps are mandatory
      • Direction: DH only
    • Section 5: Tramway Trail
      • Surface: Packed dirt with sections of loose dirt and gravel
      • Technicality: Blue trail with some rocky sections. Flat corners at speed
      • Direction: Multidirectional
  • Color rating: Blue

Land Manager: City of Glenwood Springs

RFMBA was involved in developing and is now part of maintaining these trails, with support from our membership, the City of Glenwood Springs, and local partners like Sunlight Mt. Resort!


Sunlight Bike and Ski is located at 309 Ninth St. in Glenwood Springs. Stop in or call 970-945-9425 for trail recommendations, ski and bike services and more.

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