Loveland Pass closed in both directions for safety concerns
Both lanes of U.S. Route 6 near Keystone are closed over Loveland Pass between Interstate 70 and mile point 222, due to safety concerns, according to The Colorado Department of Transportation.
Hazmat vehicles are asked to wait at the Eisenhower-Johnson Tunnels and will be run at the top of the hour or as traffic allows.
Additionally, westbound lanes of Interstate 70 shut down at about 9:30 a.m. just east of the tunnels for a stalled vehicle, but the road reopened and traffic was moving again shortly after.
Information for traffic closures across the state can be found at
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Loveland Pass closed in both directions for safety concerns
U.S. Route 6 is closed in both directions as of around 7 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 2.
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