Message from Carbondale Chief of Police about misinformation and case protocol

Carbondale Police Chief Kirk Wilson released a statement on Wednesday concerning misinformation and helping the community stay safe. 

Wilson said he and his officers care about the survivors and victims who have been affected by the information that has been released lately, particularly the survivor of the Nov. 2 sexual assault and that they are committed to the safety, healing and well-being of the community. 

He stated that he and the Carbondale PD are not aware of any other recent assault of any kind, including sexual assault, in the town of Carbondale but they were made aware of rumors circulating online. 

The only incident Wilson said they were aware of was when an officer of Carbondale PD found an injured woman in a parking lot and subsequently Carbondale Fire Department arrived and transported the woman to the hospital where she received treatment for her injuries. She informed officers that she’d fallen from her car and sustained injuries. 

Wilson said they understand that the community wants to stay informed and he wants keep the comunity informed, but some cases have details that must remain confidential, particularly in cases involving sensitive matters like sexual assault. 

He stated that this confidentiality is essential to protect victims and uphold the integrity of the justice system. The Carbondale PD, Wilson said, is committed to keeping the community safe and supporting victims in a respectful and compassionate way. 

Lastly, Wilson said the Carbondale PD is remaining steadfast in their commitment to the community’s safety, but also said community safety is a shared responsibility. To help protect yourself and others, he said, stay vigilant and well-informed. 

Part of that process means sharing accurate information, reporting suspicious activity and fostering trust, he said, and by doing so, a safer and more unified Carbondale can be achieved. 

For questions or concerns, reach out to the Carbondale PD directly, as their social media, like Facebook, is not monitored every minute of every day, Wilson said. Their office is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and officers are on duty 24/7 to take reports. Call 970-963-2662 to reach the Carbondale PD, but call 911 for an emergency.

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