Shooting at Glenwood Meadows Shopping Center leaves suspect dead

Glenwood Springs and Garfield County law enforcement officials set up camp following a Monday afternoon shooting at the Glenwood Meadows Shopping Center.
Taylor Cramer/Post Independent

A shooting incident in the Glenwood Meadows Shopping Center parking lot on Monday afternoon resulted in the death of a male suspect following an encounter with Glenwood Springs police officers. The incident began around 1 p.m. when officers on routine patrol recognized the individual, who had an outstanding felony warrant related to firearms charges.

“As they went to contact the individual, they were in full uniform,” Glenwood Springs Police Chief Joseph Deras said. “The individual obviously recognized that they were police officers and immediately produced a firearm.” 

Officers retreated and opened fire, injuring the suspect. As the suspect moved toward his vehicle, the officers repositioned and engaged him again, firing additional shots.

“One officer was involved in the shooting, and the suspect was wounded and took refuge behind the vehicle,” Deras said. “At that time, they (officers) did not know if he was mortally wounded, was trying to rearm himself or exchange magazines or other ammunition with his firearm.”

Deras described the suspect’s weapon as “a high-capacity firearm with several rounds in the weapon itself, and it’s my understanding the suspect also had access to additional ammunition.”

The scene was secured by law enforcement, and Glenwood Springs Fire personnel declared the suspect deceased at the scene. 

“At that point, the suspect and the immediate area was contained,” Deras said.

The suspect, though not identified, was described as a “Caucasian” male from the Roaring Fork Valley area, according to Deras. No civilians or officers were injured during the incident, though several people inside the stores were treated as witnesses and later released.

The Colorado Bureau of Investigation is assisting with processing the crime scene, while the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office is handling the criminal investigation. Glenwood Springs Police Department is conducting a parallel administrative investigation into the officer’s involvement. The officer who fired the shots has been placed on routine administrative leave.

The shopping center remained an active crime scene for an extended period of time throughout Monday afternoon. Those with personal property in the area were able to retrieve their belongings after 11:15 p.m. Monday night, according to Glenwood Springs Office Administrator Wendy Bautista.

The investigation is ongoing, and further details, including the number of shots fired, will be part of the criminal investigation conducted by the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office.

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