Wild and Scenic Film Festival screenings at the Ute Theater

A rainbow from the swift crashing waterfalls of Rifle Falls State Park around noon on Wednesday, the reflecting prism from the sunshine seen clearly with a backdrop of dark green from the wet growth on the stones under the falls.
Katherine Tomanek/Post Independent

The Wild and Scenic Film Festival has started, beginning last night at the Vaudeville Theater in Glenwood Springs. 

This is the annual fundraiser for the Middle Colorado Watershed Council where they’ll be showing films outside. There will be door prizes given out at each event as well. 

If you can’t make it, you can stream the films anytime between Sept. 26 and Oct. 2. 

On Saturday, the Ute Theater is where the films will be shown in Rifle, doors opening at 6 p.m.

The films being shown are:

  • “JoJo: A Toad Musical”
  • “Forests Above & Forests Below”
  • “Romeo November”
  • “A Renewable Future”
  • “Groundwork: A Family Journey into Regenerative Cotton”
  • “Danny Macaskill: Do a Wheelie”
  • “Healing Hiłsyaqƛis” 
  • “Soundscape”
  • “The Tundra”
  • “Paatuwaqatsi/Water is Life”

To join the screenings at the Ute Theater on Saturday, go to their webpage to buy tickets at

If you go…

Where: Ute Theater East Fourth Street in Rifle

When: 6 p.m. on Saturday

Cost: $23+ (depending on seating and if donating)

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