Friday letters: 2A support, Arauza for housing and the power of voting

Glenwood Springs’ 2A measure will benefit infrastructure, residents

Why a half cent tax for infrastructure? This half cent sales tax proposed in addition to the half cent that is already in our sales tax will insure that our under ground infrastructure on existing streets will be repaired along with the asphalt that we see on top. It will save the city money in that everything will be done at once instead of piecemeal. What is meant by that is so often in Glenwood Springs we repair the top part of the road without being able to have the funds available to fix what’s underneath(the infrastructure). Those monies come from our enterprise funds, like water and sewer. Sometimes there isn’t enough so we go in and dig up a street that was maybe resurfaced a year or so ago and repair a leak or whatever we can afford from the water and sewer funds. With this half cent being added to sales tax, not only the citizens of Glenwood Springs, but anybody purchasing anything that is taxed in Glenwood Springs also pays for the streets that they use in our city.

Some may say that there is waste in our city spending. That is true to a certain extent, sometimes mistakes are made, however, for the most part, the city of Glenwood Springs, considering all the moving parts here is managed quite well. Another point I would like to make is that if for some reason, we don’t have money in the general fund, and we have to raise taxes, it will come out the pockets of the citizens that live here and that means it might mean increasing your property tax, and or water and sewer rates for instance. To me that’s not a fair way to fund our streets that are used by many people that do not live here. We don’t have a choice of whether to fund streets, only how do we pay for our streets.

Vote yes on 2A.

Laurie Chase, Glenwood Springs

Arauza will work to address housing crunch in Garfield County

Is housing a concern for you? Don’t you want to vote for someone who shares your concern?

The City of Rifle and Habitat For Humanity are collaborating on a wonderful project to create a modular home production facility. The facility will enable Habitat to build more affordable housing here in the county and also serve as a workforce training center to train local high school students in the latest digital construction technology. In 2023, they applied for a federal grant for the project, and asked the county commissioners to provide a letter of support. 

The commissioners refused. 

Commissioner Mike Samson, who is now running for re-election, said he had “mixed feelings” about the project because he prefers single family homes to apartments and condos. “I don’t want somebody living on the other side of the wall of me–above me, below me, and to the side of me . . . I. Like. My. House,” he stated at the Feb. 27, 2023 meeting. 

This is just one example that shows how out-of-touch Samson is with his constituents. Who wouldn’t prefer a single family home? The point is, there are way too many families and essential workers in our county who can’t afford any form of housing.

Steven Arauza understands our housing crisis and wants to help those affected by it. Vote for Steven Arauza and give him the opportunity to bring smart leadership to our Board of County Commissioners.

Wendy Stewart, Carbondale

Voting makes a difference

Wow The numbers of new registered voters is amazing. Thank You. Let’s continue the positive energy on a national level to our local elections. 

It’s time to give younger and new candidates a chance at the county commissioner level and beyond in Garfield and Pitkin counties. Out with the old and in with the new. 

Our state has changed so much in the last several years, population, demographics, ways tax dollars are generated. Let’s embrace fresh visions instead of the same ole same ole to tackle many issues that the same ole can’t seem to solve. 

Let’s also have transparency in the political ads and please show a current picture of yourself instead of one from many years ago. It’s only right to see who we are voting for. Please vote, it does make a difference.

John Busscher, Carbondale

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