Friday letters: A letter to Polis and a response to another letter

Polis should protect Colorado River from ‘absolute recklessness’

Dear Gov. Jared Polis,

As I’m sure you know, the oil companies want to ship hot tar oil on the railroad line which runs along the Colorado river from Utah all the way up to and over Rollins pass. They’re talking 10 trains a day of at least 100 cars of hot tar oil in each. If there is a derailment the Colorado river may be permanently destroyed. I’m not sure it’s environmentally possible to clean it up. Imagine a derailment at high water.

Now you can say this is a disaster scenario, but the news shows train derailments quite often. Senator Bennett calls this transport of tar oil along the Colorado river “absolute recklessness.”

And remember the Colorado river supplies drinking water to over 41 million people.

I am a concerned citizen who hopes that this can be stopped. The economic profits from this tar oil transport are nowhere near the possible economic and ecological damage that could be done to the Colorado river.

Joe Mollica, Glenwood Springs

‘Cut this gadfly loose’

Fred Stewart. I really wish as do many people this guy would go away. He constantly comments about our valley affairs when he lives in right wing Grand Junction. 

He also clogs the Aspen Daily News with his diatribes. Please cut this gad fly loose.

Ken Fry, Glenwood Springs

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