Friday letters: Commission candidate support, speeding in construction zones

Arauza’s the change Garfield County commissioners need

Dear sister and brother citizens,

We need young people serving as Garfield County Commissioners, people who are raising their children now in our county and want to develop clean energy jobs and energy sources.   Join me in supporting Steven Arauza for County Commissioner because he meets important criteria: well educated, a man working in regulation of the oil and gas industry, a father raising his children in Rifle using the public school system and willing to address the need for affordable housing rather than bowing to development for millionaires who want more vacation homes.

We are at a critical juncture not just in our county but on our planet. We need to recognize and support creating clean green energy locally and realize that this new way forward also creates good jobs that can support families. The skills to work in oil and gas development are transferable to solar and wind power jobs. There is no loss in doing all we can to create clean energy. When we stop using polluting coal and oil we improve our water, soil, air and families’ health simultaneously.Steven Arauza comes from a humble background. He grew up with the challenges his single mother faced raising him and got a good education. He knows the value of unions and is an officer in the public employees union of Colorado.  He understands the housing needs for working people in our county. We need his new energy and dedication to the wellbeing of our county’s people and natural resources.We need a change and Steven Arauza can provide what we need.

Ilene Pevec, Carbondale

Don’t complain about speeding through construction zones

Speeding through construction zones. I hope nobody is surprised. During the underpass project the Glenwood police were absentee. I travel through that area several times a week at various times. Frequently cars would pass me going fifty miles per hour. Right through the construction zone. Where are the cops? So don’t complain about speeding at construction zones. Nobody cares.

Ken Fry, Glenwood Springs

Perry Will works to serve the people of Garfield County

Dear Editor:

Perry Will, our State Senator and former Colorado Parks and Wildlife Area Manager, is running for County Commissioner in Garfield County.  I am asking that you vote for him.  Perry has the experience both locally and at the State level to run our County.  Perry obviously understands our water and environmental needs and has also been working hard at the legislature to ensure rural communities have access to mental health, prescription drugs and medical services.

I have met Perry’s opponent, and she is very nice person, but we need the experience and knowledge that five years in the legislature and over four decals in CPW brings to the Board of County Commissioner.  Also, importantly, Perry Will is a true “bipartisan”. That word has become pejorative recently, but we need someone who puts “all or nothing” policy proposals aside and is willing to work with both sides, both parties, on any issue, to get our real problems solved.

Local government is about addressing our issues.  Perry has worked hard to build broad coalitions and consensus on a variety of legislation and because of this he got things done.   Perry Will does not complain, he does not participate in partisan infighting, he just works hard, as he is doing now in the State Senate, to serve the People he represents.  I know he will bring those skills and experience, including working with other local governments here, to the BOCC and be a great County Commissioner for all of us. Please vote for Perry Will.

Anthony Hershey, Glenwood Springs

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