Friday letters: Glenwood election, city planning, and local business support

Steve Smith is the right choice for Glenwood Springs
It is our good fortune that Steve is willing to further invest his time and his talents in what is best for our community by running for Glenwood Springs City Council. We know Steve to be a person of integrity, wisdom, fairness, and action.
Steve has a proven record of getting things done while taking care to listen and gather all relevant information. The issues facing our community are complex. What can seem to be an easy solution may have unintended consequences. Steve is the guy who understands that and will take the care to ensure the most successful outcomes.
We read Questions and Answers with Glenwood Springs City Council Ward 5 Candidate Steven Smith in the March 14 edition of the Post Independent. Go there and you will find, as we did, that Steve’s answers are solution-focused, detailed, and substantiated.
The reasons for running for council reflect Steve’s deep exploration of critical issues facing our community: (1) increase and enhance transportation options, (2) help more people become homeowners, and (3) ensure every city policy and decision protects the natural environment and the climate.
We know Steve Smith will be an unwavering steward of the Glenwood Springs we all cherish. This good work only happens with your vote.
Debbie and Mike Wilde, Glenwood Springs
Glenwood Springs must plan for a better future
Glenwood Springs has a unique opportunity to add three excellent council members and hopefully avoid more of the current planning disasters—i.e., the demolition of Rivers Restaurant without an appropriate reason, a beer spa, and the demolition of four well-received small shops. The new Habitat housing at a key intersection is also likely to require marked infrastructure additions in the relatively near future.
The apparent strong bent of the Chamber of Commerce in support of Steve Smith’s candidacy also seems inappropriate and way too political for a chamber. Though I know and like many of his supporters, I find Jon Banks’ keen intellect a far better choice that would provide the third of three new, variously experienced, excellent members for council and the city’s future.
The geographical constraints of Glenwood Springs make all future planning much more important.
Additionally, the chamber should forsake looking for more tourists and direct its efforts to missing needed city amenities, like a good grocery store and a movie theater. The town promotes itself sufficiently now; it doesn’t require more tourist reservations. Efforts to attract small businesses with local employees would be important to increase community here and decrease road congestion and commuting.
Tom Morton, Glenwood Springs
Jon Banks will focus on residents, not unchecked growth
I worked with Jon Banks on the Keep Glenwood Glenwood campaign, and I found Jon to be pragmatic and thorough in his approach. As a longtime resident, I am dismayed at the rapid, seemingly haphazard building of apartment complexes. The pressures they have brought to our once small town are heartbreaking.
I think it is time to hit the pause button on growth, step back, and refocus on those who call this place home. Jon is the person to help bring that change.
Dave Malehorn, Glenwood Springs
Steve Smith brings knowledge and leadership to City Council
I fully support Steve Smith for City Council and urge all Ward 5 eligible voters to support him as well. Steve has over three decades of public service that has focused on making our city and Ward 5 a better place.
Steve has a calm demeanor and studies all sides of an issue to sort out the pros and cons. This is followed by focused study and thoughtful deliberation.
Steve is a very personable guy who has the patience to really listen to people; he showed us that at a recent neighborhood meeting. I met him while planning transportation improvements for CDOT, and I have always found Steve well-prepared on the background documentation. His questions showed that he had thoroughly grasped the project concept. He delivers his comments clearly and without prejudice or bias; we could all use a healthy dose of that right now.
Give Steve a call if you wish to double-check any of my assertions; he is an A+ communicator.
His email address is:
Joe Elsen, Glenwood Springs
Prioritizing local businesses over big-box chains
Dear Glenwood Springs City Council,
We are registering our most hearty objection to the city giving a big-box store chain three-quarters of a million dollars to establish here in Glenwood. Our objection would be no less if the amount were $1. A huge, impersonal chain doesn’t need waivers and discounts. They can pay their way just like a small, local business does.
We are delighted to once again have a locally owned bookstore in town. That is the sort of business that draws visitors to our town. No one comes to shop at the huge chains. No one. They come for the personal experience of unique businesses that are found here and nowhere else.
If you have money to give for business development, give it to our local shop owners and new business startups. The character and desirability of our town depend on them.
Gil and Jan Krische, Glenwood Springs

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