Wednesday letters: Trump accountability, nuclear energy concerns, and health care gratitude

Thanks, Dr. Kulwiec
We have by far the most expensive medical system in the world, and the Roaring Fork Valley is no exception. Every now and then there is a health care provider who does something about that.
Dr. Liz Kulwiec was a well-liked and well-respected head of radiology at Valley View Hospital for several years. In 2017, she left VVH and started Compass Peak Imaging on Midland Avenue, in order to offer patients less expensive imaging studies, for which she deserves our thanks.
Dr. Kulwiec is now looking forward to enjoying a well-deserved retirement. She was careful in choosing a radiologist to buy her practice who is compatible with her mission. I’m sure he will continue to provide cost-effective imaging studies with expert interpretation.
Greg Feinsinger, Carbondale
Nuclear energy rebranded as ‘clean’ is a dangerous distraction
The recent letter singing the praises of Rep. Hurd’s embrace of “clean energy,” or the newly defined inclusion of nuclear as clean energy, seems intentionally ambiguous, since, after three years of lobbying, the Colorado Legislature conveniently just redefined nuclear as “clean energy.”
Apparently, this is so that people can gaslight us with the idea that Mr. Hurd is a proponent, when in reality he’s introduced the Productive Public Lands Act to unlock resource development on our public lands.
From Rep. Hurd’s site: “The Productive Public Lands Act would reactivate the resource potential of our public lands…and put us on a path to energy dominance. The act will open up the public’s land to be used for recreation, grazing, timber harvesting, drilling, mining… I want to thank Western Caucus Vice Chair Hurd for leading this legislation.”
Summit Daily, March 24: In a letter to Gov. Polis last week, 76 organizations and community leaders refuted the idea that nuclear power is a gateway to Colorado’s carbon-free goals. They labeled nuclear power a “false solution that will divert urgently needed funds” from proven renewable energy sources like wind and solar.
“The idea that nuclear power is clean energy could not be further from the truth. Nuclear power is the only energy resource that generates dangerous waste that will remain radioactive for thousands of years.”
There is a “strong possibility the waste would need to be stored onsite, as transporting radioactive waste carries severe risks.” The letter references power plant disasters, and should include the certain and volatile nature of climate crisis events, given all reliable science, to dissuade legislators from pursuing nuclear power.
Redefining nuclear as clean energy is like commissioners and council members gaslighting local taxpayers that a lower valley private-jet airport corridor/luxury travel agenda is in anyone’s interest but wealthy fossil fuel and NIMBY upper valley interests.
Western Colorado has been sacrificed and polluted enough to drilling and fracking to now support the nuclear follies of the wealthy and their insatiable energy appetites.
Gov. Polis could authorize nuclear energy production in Northwest Colorado soon. Contact your representatives to make sure they’re supporting your interests, not their high-flying donors’.
PJ Breslin, Rifle
More thoughtful dialogue, please
As an independent voter interested in local issues, it was disappointing to read the recent Bruell column. A distorted view of our national political theater was presented, rather than something accurate or actionable of interest to the community. The points made and links referenced were blatant speculations presented as “facts,” but one would only know that if they followed the links and read the detail.
It is also worth noting that key factors relevant to the subject were not addressed, such as the savings gained by addressing rampant government waste.
Supposed “facts” aside, the article carried a thinly veiled tone of hate and disdain, along with a call to action for organization and protest. The read is that Bruell uses the term “MAGA” like it’s a socially acceptable version of the n-word. We don’t need this type of division or agitation in the valley. It would be good to see more thoughtful dialogue in the pages of our local paper.
For independents like me, this type of intellectual dishonesty wrapped in fear-mongering is one of the main reasons it’s hard to listen to what’s left of the Democrat Party.
Joe Claypool, Glenwood Springs
Pitkin County sees first wolf depredation since reintroduction
A yearling on a cattle ranch up Pitkin County’s Capitol Creek died to wolf depredation, according to a regional cattlemen’s association official. Another yearling is missing from the ranch, but the reason is unconfirmed.

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